CBP Week 2 Manuscript & Pagination
This week in Children’s Book Pro we were provided with manuscripts and took the time to create a visual breakdown and organize pagination. I selected Little Red Riding Hood for my manuscript. In the previous Office Hours Jake mentioned that we could change the time period of genre. So I decided to go with Fantasy/Mermaids.
With that genre I felt that slight adjustments to the manuscript were in order to fit the Genre. While I know this probably isn’t the norm in real world application, I felt it was necessary. There were a lot of question about altering the manuscript to fit the genre, so we will probably have our answer tonight. during office hours.
Shout out to Kristin Coombs Barbara Odanaka who wrote the manuscripts. Thank you for putting work into this course. I am looking forward to working with other 2 manuscripts in the future to build out my portfolio.
My brain REALLY wanted to jump in and start sketching out the spreads and work on some sequential design layouts. I did a couple with my finger on ProCreate Pocket, then stopped to finish the Visual Breakdown worksheet that was provided.
Before completely filling out the Visual Breakdown worksheet I explored a handful of different ideas for genres…
Mermaids won because I have illustrated a mermaid font years ago, converted some of the mermaids into a surface pattern design with in the last year, and I also have a fiver-year-old daughter who is obsessed with mermaids and ponies at the moment, so I’m surrounded. But I don’t hate it. I’m a fan of the mythical underwater world. So I’m excited.
Plus, I did some digging, and it turns out that Sperm Whales are known to eat Squid, so that works with the story. I don’t know how important to have my facts straight in a fantastical genre, but I like that there is some level of truth. 😅
Technically pagination came after working on the Visual Breakdown. I actually scribbled out some visuals on my phone to help me visualize the pagination. I feel like I needed to break up Little Red Riding Hood more than I expected, but I think the way I broke it up works well and keeps the story flowing.
I discovered that when it comes to pagination and breaking up the story, I like to work in spreads. I know this creates an extra step when it comes to assigning exact wording and text to each page, but I think creating a really good spread design that works with the text is important. I like it when the text is actually incorporated into the design, and not just slapped on to a blocked out negative space or white box. I like it when marrying illustration and typography is intentional.
In addition to thinking about the theme, visual breakdown, pagination, design and flow… I took some time to take a look at about 2 dozen Little Red Riding Hood Books. This was such a fun experience, and there are some seriously funny and creative versions of this story. I read a good portion of them from free audiobook apps that link up with my library card like Hoopla and Libby. They don’t allow screen shots, which makes sense.
But I also went to my local library in person and found some gems…
I LOVED Petite Rouge with the Cajun twist and even the dialect was written! It was so funny and entertaining. I loved the little details with the classical paintings on the walls. And in the version by Jerry Pinkney the portrait interacts with what’s happening and looks like she’s gasping at the wolf’s treacherous acts. I love little details like that and want to incorporate them into my illustrations too!
Some other books I read on the apps…
Caperucita Roja by Jenna Mueller
Little Red Riding Hood by Jonathan Peale
Little Red Rinding Hood and the Dragon by Ying Chang Compestine (This was my favorite). Red Riding Hood literally busts out a sword! It’s amazing!
Little Red Riding Hood by Various Authors
Little Red Riding Hood by Lari Don
Overall, I learned that having a strong foundation to my story is really important. And doing some research is very helpful. I am looking forward to the next phase!